A Sense of Adventure
After yesterday’s Page of Wands – which brought a great message to me, a new house!!! – the Knight of Wands is ready to set out on the journey to claim it. He is the consummate adventurer, with both the drive and the bravery to go after his dreams. He is bold, brash, and not afraid to step on a few toes to get what he wants.
This is both his greatest quality, and his greatest danger. If the situation calls for a more delicate touch, this Knight can cause a lot of hurt feelings and may actually hinder progress.
My planetary transit of the day is Mars square Mars, which also highlights impulsive actions and bold behaviors. The key is to make sure that they are necessary, and don’t stem from personal bravado. Channel all of that energy into worthwhile endeavors, and everything will work out well in the end.
What adventures has the Knight of Wands taken you on? Was it a fun ride, or did you end up somewhere you never wished to go?
Don’t Miss Out: The Name Your Price Tarot Readings are still going strong! Get your personal tarot reading from me today.
Image is from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
A Fiery Messenger
The Page of Wands combines the practical matters that occupy the minds of youth, combine with fiery ideals that drive and inspire. New ideas will abound, especially regarding new projects and regimens that can be started immediately. Despite the practicality of this card, it also has a very strong spiritual side, as the soul is nourished by the excitement and energy that the Page of Wands provides.
I am feeling the pull of this energy already. I am devoting more time to my blogging and other artistic pursuits, and will be splitting my time evenly between studying and working today. It will take every bit of the Page’s energy to carry me through, as my to do list is a mile long! But I am confident I can succeed, and attend to all of the ideas clamoring for my attention.
Combined with this energy is my personal astrological transit of the day – which I’m learning from AstroDienst – Mars trine Jupiter. The fiery energy of Mars plays well with expansive Jupiter, exploring many different paths and ideas. This is a great time for me to ride the energy wave, and get as much done as I can! Zoom zoom zoom! Most everything I touch will turn out favorably, as long as I pursue it with as much gusto as I can.
Has the Page of Wands brought you good tidings, whether as an actual message or a spiritual quest?
Don’t Miss Out: The Name Your Price Tarot Readings are still going strong! Get your personal tarot reading from me today.
Image is from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
Tarot Readings In Tune With Your Needs
Many people are unsure when they get their first tarot reading. What should you expect from your tarot reader? What value are you receiving?
While each tarot reader is different, I can assure you that I will sensitively listen to your concerns, and relay the cards’ message in an understanding manner. You will have a firm grasp of the current situation, and a clear sense of which paths are available to you.
Which leads me to my new tarot reading special. You can have your very own tarot reading, and pay whatever you are able to. That’s right, you’re naming your own price, and seeing for yourself how valuable a tarot reading can be.
All readings will be done by email, just click here to send me your question. I will respond as soon as possible with your detailed reading, explained thoroughly to ensure your understanding and satisfaction.
Then all you have to do is click on the button below, to send the amount of money that feels right to you. If you’re not one for guesstimating, take into consideration that my favorite pizza – pan with pepperoni and mushrooms – is $13.48.
Thanks in advance, and I look forward to reading for you!
Name Your Price Tarot Readings