Saturday, I drew the Six of Swords, and then promptly forgot about it. (Okay, I was having a busy morning!) The six of swords indicates travel, transition, and moving from an unsatisfying situation to a different one. All things that I had no idea I was going to do!
Then, something hit me. What, I still don’t know for sure. I had a burning, unnamed inspiration in my heart, and it sent me into panic mode. What on earth was going on? I was freaking out, as my friends could testify to.
So, I spent some time journaling about it, and came up with this conclusion. Create a spiritual garden. Holy ground. To bring forth fruits.
Okay, so it sounds very biblical and whatnot. I guess that’s how my brain is hardwired. But either way, I decided right then and there to create a special space just for me, to meditate, focus, journal, and read tarot cards.
I spent the better part of an hour cleaning my bedroom, to find a kid-safe zone to keep my stuff. Since they spend some time in there anyway (usually bouncing up and down waking me up) I also had to find a plastic tote to keep all my stuff in. I could not survive without plastic totes!
After a while, I decided I had to try out my new space. I taped up a plastic sheet protector, so I could slip in new pictures at will, without fussing with picture frames. I got out one of my spread cloths, and some candles to hold it down with. Candles always make me feel good, and help me center and focus.
Also included was a lovely smelling soap sent to me in a trade, and my junk oracle! All of the random little bits of coins, shells, dice, and other goodies in one bag, to use in divination. I haven’t tried it yet, but it makes me feel good to have all of those memories in one place.
I also included my big journal, which is getting a lot of pictures taped into it. I need the visuals just as much as I need the written words. Right now, I’m studying the Diary of a Broken Soul Tarot, and although it isn’t in that picture, it was included as well.
I spent about an hour that night journaling about the cards, and then an hour in the morning — 7 A.M.! — to see how it would change my focus. It feels wonderful to do, but then Sunday night I had to go to bed early with a headache, and I slept in late this morning. So, hopefully having this space will give me the incentive to get into a routine.
Most people would call this an altar, but the phrase spiritual garden popped into my mind, and stuck. I’m not focusing on one deity or spiritual practice, but rather on whatever I need to do to grow. That could change as time passes. But for now, I’m very happy with the opportunity to take time out for me. No other focus, disconnected from the internet, a time for peace and contemplation.
that’s exactly what i’m doing with the labyrinth(s) – creating sacred space. i love the term spiritual garden! it sounds less affiliated than altar, even if most of them are the same thing in practical terms.
Twitter: kimferrell
May 10th, 2010 at 10:16 pm
I agree! It does sound more liberating, and gives me the chance to do all sorts of things there…like maybe knitting? Haha! More on that when the time comes.
Twitter: amyseybrown
I’ve said it before, but wow I love it! You’re so inspiring.
I haven’t built my garden yet, which btw I love as a metaphor, but I did buy a new journal and started using it this morning. Hopefully I can get to it soon.
Twitter: kimferrell
Aww, shucks. Thanks Amy! Journaling is immensely helpful. But with how busy a mother’s life is, you do need some kind of space to do it! Even if it’s not at home, like at a park or a library, the alone time is crucial to gathering your thoughts.
That was an awesome inspiration! We all need a space where we can be in touch with our inner selves – not mom or wife or daughter or income generator – just US.
Twitter: kimferrell
May 11th, 2010 at 11:39 am
Thanks Shelley! I know it is already helping.
The quiet time and focus is something I didn’t realize was so rare, until I experienced it!