A Sense of Adventure
After yesterday’s Page of Wands – which brought a great message to me, a new house!!! – the Knight of Wands is ready to set out on the journey to claim it. He is the consummate adventurer, with both the drive and the bravery to go after his dreams. He is bold, brash, and not afraid to step on a few toes to get what he wants.
This is both his greatest quality, and his greatest danger. If the situation calls for a more delicate touch, this Knight can cause a lot of hurt feelings and may actually hinder progress.
My planetary transit of the day is Mars square Mars, which also highlights impulsive actions and bold behaviors. The key is to make sure that they are necessary, and don’t stem from personal bravado. Channel all of that energy into worthwhile endeavors, and everything will work out well in the end.
What adventures has the Knight of Wands taken you on? Was it a fun ride, or did you end up somewhere you never wished to go?
Don’t Miss Out: The Name Your Price Tarot Readings are still going strong! Get your personal tarot reading from me today.
Image is from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
Conoces tú futuro y sobre la buena fortuna a través del tarot. Te brindo un servicio profesional pero sobre todo económico. No dudes en llamarme te aseguro que te sentirás muy bien con mí servicio.
Great post I just have to say! You really pointed out a couple things to take a minute to think about. By the way I also sent you an email
Looking forward to your next post!