In what is increasingly becoming a guided tour of all the differences in the Thoth tarot, today I’ve drawn Adjustment, which is more commonly known as Justice. What makes this card even more interesting is that it switches positions as well. In the Rider Waite, Strength is VIII and Justice is XI, but here Adjustment (Justice) is VIII and Lust (Strength) is XI. I’ll go into more detail about the switching of these cards around later on, but for the moment I’ll just say I prefer the Rider Waite version.
Morning Review
Adjustment is about striking a balance in life, karma, and sewing what you reap. Last night, I did a bit of drinking, and you’d expect me to be “reaping” a nasty hangover right about now. Nope, I’m fine. Will have to consider that for a bit.
Also, Adjustment naturally leans towards legal issues, ensuring that justice has been done. I don’t think I’ll be dealing with anything like that today. However, I will be doing some planning today, in various areas of my life. Perhaps that “balancing of my life” will be the theme today.
Evening Review
Today has been all about getting things done! My sense of balance and adjustment manifested itself today, as I switched off between sorting through the kids’ old clothes and writing. I finished my first tarot card meaning, The Fool. Feedback is most appreciated! Also, now that I have completed one, I have a framework to go by for the upcoming tarot cards.
I also got some of my other writing done, which I am very happy about. I contribute to Writer’s Round-About, a great resource for anyone who is or wants to be a freelance writer. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed!
Also, at 8:30 Central time, Tarot Chat begins! It is my favorite time of week, where I can hang out with some awesome tarot readers, Miss Michele and Serenity Bly of Future Tarot. They provide free three card readings during the chat, first come, first serve. It is so much fun, and we all learn and grow from each other. I would love to see you there!
What areas do you need to strike a balance in? How do you feel about the idea of karma, what comes around goes around? Have you been fair and just with others lately?
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!
Twitter: FutureTarot
It’s always such a pleasure to have you with us for Tarot Chat, Kim.
Miss Michele and I both look forward to the hour (or three) we spend talking with others about Tarot and life.
See you there again this week!
It’s interesting that the Thoth switch the positions of what would traditionally be the Strength and Justice cards. It definitely sounds like Adjustment and Justice offer the same meaning. I wonder why they placed the card out of order.
In the Mythic (my preferred deck) there is a progression in the Major Arcana Each card takes the querent through the journey of life and beyond. Each new card in the deck is a new stage of growth and development. So the position of Strength before Justice is a sign of the development of personal power and the ability to control inner and outer environments. In life, we learn this aspect of our self before we come to understand how our personal power can affect, change, and influence others. Learning that one must be responsible for their Strength is where Justice comes into play. We have great power, and we must use it in a way that does not upset the balance of the greater scheme and doesn’t bring harm to others.
It sounds like you were balancing your strengths today and bringing your world into a greater sense of order and unity.
Serenity Bly´s last blog ..A White Light Healing Visualization
Twitter: kimferrell
It’s actually quite interesting why Crowley switched the order, and even more interesting to see how many of the newer decks follow suit! About half of my decks made the switch. If I remember correctly, the switch has to do with the correspondences made by the Golden Dawn. Crowley did not agree with their setup, and made up his own mind.
I’ll have to post about why this occurred, and what it can mean in our own tarot readings later on.
Thanks for stopping by!