Pages are the messengers of the Tarot, and the Page of Cups brings news of emotion, creativity, and inspiration. Whether it is a literal message or a sudden flash of insight, whatever the cup holds will reach to your very heart. In most decks, the cup actually holds a fish, a reminder to expect the unexpected. In the Paulina Tarot, the cup flows with vibrant stars, which the Page appears to be leading with his other outstretched hand. His fish has grown and become a loyal pet, wrapped about his legs lightly.
Morning Musings
This card literally appears to be bursting with creativity and wonderment, letting the wonders of underwater life come to the surface. Water in the tarot both symbolizes emotions and intuitive developments. I will go where my heart leads, exploring the world with a child-like curiosity.
Today will most likely be a writing filled day, as I have that new e-book in the works, along with filling up the meanings portion of the site. I am in pretty good spirits, although I may have to deal with this annoying ear more today as well.
Evening Review
Well, besides my silly attitude about my ear today, not a lot going on. I didn’t do as much writing as I’d hoped. I kept getting distracted and had to deal with my throbbing ear all day.
I did however, work on a little art project! I don’t do a lot of art stuff, but when I get the urge to, I think it turns out pretty well. I entered the Aeclectic Tarot’s 2011 calendar contest. I’ll keep you updated!
Beyond that, not much else really happened today. Just a quiet day at home.
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