~Tarot Knowledge at Your Fingertips~

Page of Cups: Four Way Analysis

Today, I switched to my new Bohemian Gothic tarot deck, which is breathtaking, and sadly out of print. I have fallen in love with its unique take on the tarot, which loosely follows the RWS structure, with a wealth of differences to draw you into its macabre world.

My first daily draw with this deck yields the Page of Cups. Now, I just drew the Page of Cups as a Daily Draw two days ago, and he popped up in both my Parenting reading as the First Step and my Peace and Worry reading as Increase Peace. Even more interestingly, he shows up in four different decks! Clearly, his youthful, heartfelt message is critical in this phase of my life right now.

Four Part Study of the Page of Cups

The number four reminded me of one of the difficulties of the Court Cards. It is hard to decide how to interpret the royalty of the tarot. They can appear as a facet of your own personality, another person in your life, an environmental factor, or as a message from the Universe. Although I lean towards a facet of my own personality, when the card comes up frequently, it could mean that I’m missing a critical element of understanding at the moment.

So, I’m going to do a reading, focusing on the Page of Cups in each of these four areas, to fully explore it’s meaning right now. Using my Bohemian Gothic, the spread will be a circle, starting on the left, going counter-clockwise around the Page of Cups as significator.

1. My Personality – King of Wands

The King is dressed in luxurious furs, standing in a castle corridor. A traveler in a hat and cloak hands the wand up to him from a lower level. The King of Wands represents controlled intuition and willpower, doled out wisely to rule his kingdom. As an aspect of my personality, the Page of Cups is saying that I need to trust in my intuition more, and to explore the psychic and intuitive areas of my life more thoroughly. Allow myself that time to study my creative impulses, and learn how to use them wisely as the King does.

2. My Environment – Page of Swords

This Page looks back at a statue of an angel, leaning against its chin in the “Thinker” pose, while holding a sword. Bringing intellectual pursuits and messages into my life. This suggests that my environment is becoming more studious, as I take the time to immerse myself in the tarot cards. As an aspect of the Page of Cups, the Page of Swords indicates that I cannot remain self-absorbed for long, and I need to analyze all parts of my life. To find success with my studies and creativity, I need to create an environment conducive to both.

3. Another Person – Ten of Pentacles Rx

The card of a family that may be doing well financially but not emotionally, the Ten of Pentacles reversed shows an increased attention to my family life. Pages naturally refer to children, and I have two girls of my own. Combined, the cards reveal that I can pay extra attention and care towards my children, as they are both at wonderfully creative and adventurous ages. Carve out extra time to play, to read, and learn from them every day, which will enhance both our lives and strengthen our bonds.

4. Universal Message – Ace of Wands

The beginning of inspiration, willpower and intuition, the Ace of Wands here has a crowned skull wall engraving holding the wand between his teeth, beckoning me to grab it. All of the energy I desire is available, if I only reach out and take it. The Page of Cups encourages me to start a new adventure, taking all of my emotions and desires with me. Dream big and dream often, and the things I want will start to manifest themselves. It is up to me to take the risk, branch out of my comfort zone, and go for it.

How do you interpret the Court Cards? Do one or more of them give you difficulty?


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