“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman
Tarot is one of the few things I have found that makes me come alive. I love sharing my experiences with the cards with everyone I meet. I love the time I spend with the cards, studying their unique images and how they play out in my life. Tarot excites me most when I do readings for others, and my words and thoughts about the cards help them improve their lives. I doubt I’ll ever get enough!
Of course, tarot has its darker side, dredging up old memories, bad habits, and undesirable circumstances that the querent has to face to move forward. Yet even the most fearful cards offer the person a chance to make the most of an ugly situation. This hope in the face of incredible odds is one of the blessings of the tarot.
One of my biggest beliefs about tarot is that it is accessible to anyone. You do not have to believe in one thing or anything to get something out of tarot cards. All you need is an open mind and heart, along with the willingness to listen to what the cards have to say.
I also enjoy and celebrate the differences in tarot interpretation. Everyone brings something to the table, not just the reader. A querent who has never seen tarot cards before can still relate to the archtypes of tarot imagery. Different decks bring unique slants to the cards’ meanings, due to the wide array of illustrations by their creators. Even if you still consult your tarot books, your mind has to assimilate those meanings and integrate them into a cohesive meaning. That interaction between the mind’s eye and the cards is where the tarot magic lies.
Over time, I will share more of my tarot journey, along with my personal insights along the tarot path. Feel free to disagree with me! I’d love to hear feedback on how you envision different cards’ meanings and interactions. We can grow and learn together, reflecting over the various ways that tarot makes a difference to each one of us.
Besides tarot, my other passions include writing and being a mom to two wonderful girls. They have a high intuitive spark, even at their young ages! I look forward to seeing how their spiritual journey proceeds over the course of their lives.
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Thank you for becoming a part of the Tarot Musings community! If you have any questions or comments, you may leave a comment below or contact me. I am here for each one of you!